Taxing the rich, *this week*


Asarial, taxing the rich is within reach.

Expert analysis and statements from Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland are hinting that tomorrow’s budget could include new taxes on rich individuals and corporations.

The money would go directly towards programs like dental care and investments in affordable housing – necessary programs that support poor, working class and middle class people.

The Leadnow community and our allies have been calling for tax changes like these for years. But the budget isn’t even out yet and the usual suspects – big businesses and CEOs – are in the media, calling for the tax changes to be cancelled.

The Liberal government needs to know there is support to make the rich and corporations pay their fair share to help people affected most by the cost-of-living crisis. Will you send a message to Finance Minister Freeland now and tell our government that you support increasing taxes on the rich and corporations?

We don’t know what tax measures will be included in tomorrow’s budget. But we do know that Freeland has ruled out increasing the federal budget deficit and increasing taxes on the middle class. That leaves rich individuals or corporations to pay for increased spending to support people who are struggling to get by.

But already, lobbyists from organizations like the Business Council of Canada – a club of rich CEOs – are using scare tactics to try to intimidate the government and make this policy dead on arrival.

Asarial, will you send a message to Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland right now urging her not to cave to Big Business and lobbyists, and that you support increasing taxes for the rich and corporations?

With hope,

Peter and Aidan, for Leadnow

CBC News, Experts predict tax hikes in budget as Trudeau government stretches to pay for its promises
City News, After countrywide pre-budget tour, Liberals reveal Tuesday how they’ll pay for it all

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