Stop Ford selling off our healthcare


Lobbyists for private healthcare clinics are chomping at the bit – urging the Ford government to move more quickly to expand for-profit surgery clinics so they can cash in on the public dime. [1]

We’ve already begun to see the disastrous effects of Ford’s Bill 60, which paved the way for private clinics to perform surgeries with public funds. Asarial, this is a critical time to demand investment in our public healthcare system instead of shelling out double or triple the price for surgeries at for-profit clinics.

While private clinics are pushing to take on hip and knee surgeries in 2024, some speculate the Ford government has delayed this expansion due to public pushback – which means our pressure is working. [2]

So far, 11,800 of us have signed a petition demanding an end to public money for private care. We’re getting ready to deliver this petition to Premier Ford and Health Minister Jones on Thursday. Can you help get it to 15,000? Add your name now.

In solidarity,
Aidan and Cheryl, on behalf of Leadnow

[2] See 1

Here’s our original email with more information:

Asarial, did you see the numbers?

Yesterday, the CBC published documents showing that the Ontario government is paying a for-profit health clinic in Toronto more than twice as much as public hospitals to perform the same OHIP-covered procedures. [1] This means that while our public healthcare system remains understaffed and under-resourced, Doug Ford’s government is giving more public money to private clinics.

This is outrageous. We know that outsourcing essential surgeries to private, for-profit clinics is a false solution to the healthcare crisis. [2] This news reveals the true intentions behind Ford’s decision to expand for-profit clinics: lining the pockets of investors.

Contrary to his stated goals of reducing wait times and saving taxpayers money, it’s actually costing Ontarians more to fund private healthcare delivery than it would to reinvest in our public hospitals. [3]

The Ford government is hoping taxpayers remain in the dark. But with these numbers out in the open, a massive petition from thousands of concerned Ontarians could increase public scrutiny and make our leaders think twice about continuing to outsource surgeries to private clinics.

Will you sign the petition to tell Ford and Minister of Health Sylvia Jones – no more public money for private care?

Health professionals and experts have been clear – addressing staffing levels and underfunding is the solution to reduce surgery wait times. [4,5] But Doug Ford isn’t listening.

An Ontario chief of surgery described what’s going on as an “egregious overpayment” to the privately-owned Don Mills Surgical Unit Ltd. [6] Take a look at the difference between what taxpayers pay:

Data from the CBC showing how much a private clinic gets for OHIP-covered surgeries (on the left), compared to how much public hospitals are paid (on the right)

Across Ontario, the Leadnow community has been fighting to protect our public healthcare system against every attack from Ford and his government. Earlier this year, tens of thousands of us took action against Health Minister Jones’s Bill 60, which opened the door to the use of more private healthcare clinics for public surgeries. Now that we know just how much these private clinics are costing us, it’s time to take action again.

All Ontarians deserve access to a public healthcare system that is fully staffed and well resourced. But to win that, we need to stop money being siphoned off into private care. Will you add your name now to call on Ford and Jones to stop paying more public money to private, for-profit health clinics?

With anger and determination,
Aidan and Rivka, on behalf of Leadnow

[6] See [1]

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