Old-Growth Carnage


Dear Asarial,

I’m writing to you about an urgent petition from Leadnow member Eartha Muirhead, who is calling on Minister of Forests Bruce Ralston to protect Old-Growth ecosystems in the Nahmint.

Here’s a brief explanation of the campaign:

The Nahmint watershed is home to old-growth forests and vast plant, fish, bird and mammal biodiversity.

However, BC Timber Sales has 4 cutblocks full of old-growth in the area on its auction list for 2024. There is currently no engagement plan to consult with local first nations, scientists or stakeholders to protect these areas.

Since the Nahmint is a sensitive fisheries watershed it must be managed with the health and integrity of the salmon habitat as a priority. Any planned logging must demonstrate that it will not result in any further negative effect to this sensitive watershed.

No old-growth blocks in the Nahmint should go forward as timber sales until proper evaluation and consultation is done to establish the impacts of logging in this sensitive watershed area.

Asarial will you add your name now to call on Minister of Forests Bruce Ralston to protect rare and critical Old-Growth ecosystems in the Nahmint watershed?

Here’s some more information about the campaign calling on Minister of Forests Bruce Ralston to protect Old-Growth ecosystems in the Nahmint:

In this time of climate disruption and loss of biodiversity, we need to protect BC’s 2% remaining old-growth forest ecosystems that help stabilize air humidity, air temperatures, mountain terrains, produce rain clouds and oxygen, habitat for many species at risk and absorb carbon dioxide.

These forests perform many interrelated environmental services that are worth more standing and are under relentless attack from a faceless corporate logging industry.

Old-Growth ecosystems like the Nahmint Valley, and are critical carbon sinks for climate change. Despite being initially identified as an at-risk, big-tree old-growth forest by the province’s independent science panel, this and many other Old-Growth forests in the province are still at risk of being logged completely, unless protected by strong provincial policy.

Our provincial government has a duty to put strong policies in place to protect these at risk and deeply important Old-Growth ecosystem for future generations. Will you join Eartha and sign the petition now?

With hope,
Ellen on behalf of the Leadnow team

Victoria Buzz, “Old Growth Carnage in the Nahmint”
Ancient Forest Alliance, Massive Old Growth Trees cut in the Nahmint Valley via BC Timber Sales

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