Poilievre’s cuts



Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre might style himself as a “hero of the working class” – but the bald truth is that he’s anything but.

And earlier this week, he tipped his hand. Facing increased scrutiny from the media on how he’d fulfill his promise to “fix the budget” if elected, Poilievre refused to rule out cuts to programs like daycare, pharmacare, and dental care.

There’s no doubt about it: if Poilievre came to power, his first move would be to gut the programs that everyday people rely on. But he knows to win an election, he has to play both sides: on one hand, build momentum in the polls by pretending to be a champion of the working class, and on the other, wink at the corporations waiting for him to gut services and cut regulations to tilt the playing field in their favour.

But Poilievre’s success can only last as long as voters are kept in the dark about his true intentions – so if we can spotlight his plans to gut the programs people depend on, we could help reverse his momentum in the polls.

Asarial, will you add your name and help blow up our petition calling on Poilievre to come clean about the programs he’d cut if the Conservatives win in the next election?

After years of public pressure, stalling, and negotiations, the Federal government finally introduced a Pharmacare program this past year that would cover contraceptives and some diabetes treatments in provinces that sign on. They’ve also committed to introducing a dental care program soon – although the details and timelines are murky.

These programs are far from perfect – and it’s right to point that out. But where people like you and I are fighting hard to make them better, Poilievre’s “solution” will be to dump them in the trash.

We’re in the midst of a devastating affordability crisis. And right now, people in Canada don’t have nearly enough access to daycare, pharmacare, or dental care – essential public services that could help lighten the load. We deserve so much more – but Poilievre wants to leave us with less.

Asarial, will you sign the petition calling on Poilievre to tell the truth about what his promise to “fix the budget” would cost working class Canadians?

With determination,
Kate and Maggie for Leadnow

CBC, Poilievre won’t commit to keeping new social programs like pharmacare
Global News, Canada’s pharmacare bill has officially been introduced in Parliament
Reuters, Canada government to launch dental plan agreed in deal to stay in power

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